Lorraine, a mother of two from New York, faced an unexpected and puzzling situation six years after having her Fallopian tubes tied—a procedure meant to prevent pregnancy. Despite the odds, she became pregnant.
“I told the doctor, ‘Do what you’ve gotta do,’” Lorraine shared, explaining her decision for the surgery as she felt her family was complete with a boy and a girl.
Her journey unfolded on TLC’s Extraordinary Pregnancies. After noticing something unusual with her body, Lorraine took a pregnancy test at her mother’s urging—it came back positive, leaving her family stunned.
Complicating matters, Lorraine’s health posed significant risks. With a BMI over 70, she faced challenges due to morbid obesity, a condition she had struggled with since childhood. Her doctor, Robert Silverman, described her pregnancy as highly unusual and fraught with potential complications.
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